Aligner trays are used to correct different malocclusions. Therefore, knowing more about aligners will help you make a more informed decision about your dental care. What Are Aligner Trays and How Do they Help in Realigning the Teeth? According to the University of Illinois, Chicago School of Dentistry, aligner trays come in various versions to help move the teeth. Normally, clear aligners make it possible for you to straighten your teeth without notice. While they can help correct small bite problems and crowding, you may need braces for more extensive orthodontic issues. One style of aligners is made with clear plastic and fit over the teeth. We will replace the current aligners with new aligners every few weeks instead of making adjustments, as with braces. These aligners must be worn about 22 hours per day except when eating or brushing and flossing your teeth. Other aligners, which are similar in design, use 3D modeling for the treatment plan. The 3D models permit our team of professionals to identify the proper tooth position for a patient. In turn, we can use the technology to give us precision bite adjustments during the straightening process. By using 3D technology, patients receive a better fitting aligner and tracking is much easier as well. What Bite Problems Can Be Corrected Using Aligner Trays? You can correct a crossbite with aligner trays as well as an overbite or underbite. A crossbite occurs when one or more teeth rest inside the lower teeth. When this bite is not corrected, it can lead to bone erosion or uneven tooth wear. While overbites represent bites that project over the lower teeth, underbites are just the opposite, representing bites where the lower jaw projects outward. Whatever you choose in an aligner tray, it can help you realign your teeth, improve a bad bite, and do so inconspicuously. Would you like to know more about this straightening procedure? If so, give us a call and set up an appointment and consultation with our orthodontic team.