Our Services


Your smile is an important feature that has the power to make or break the impressions that you leave. Your teeth play a crucial role in the quality of your smile. Poor tooth alignment can greatly impact your smile, as well as your confidence. Alignment issues can also have a significant impact on your oral health, too. When your teeth are poorly aligned, they are more difficult to keep clean, increasing your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. You are also at a greater risk for tooth damage, bruxism, and TMD. At Sawrie Orthodontics we can help to correct the alignment of your teeth, improving your smile and your oral health, with orthodontic services.

Damon Braces

Much like traditional metal braces, Damon braces use metal brackets and wires to correct the alignment of your teeth. However, instead of the wire attaching to the brackets using elastic O-rings, the wire is attached to Damon braces through small metal doors with sliding mechanisms. Where traditional metal braces need to be manually tightened, Damon braces are self-ligating or self-tightening.

Clear Aligners

Straighten your teeth with a clear alternative to metal braces. (For Example: Invisalign®)

Clear aligners are a removable, discreet orthodontic treatment. They consist of a series of trays that you wear for several weeks at a time. As your teeth gently move into position, you start using the next set of trays.

Damon Clear

Damon Clear is a type of Damon braces that uses self-ligating brackets. Much like regular Damon braces, the brackets have small doors that hold the wire in place and tighten as your teeth move. However, instead of silver brackets, Damon Clear uses ceramic or clear brackets.

Braces Emergency Services

Most issues that involve braces or some other orthodontic device will not be so serious that they qualify as an emergency. At Sawrie Orthodontics, we care about your health and want you to call us immediately if you experience an injury involving your braces or orthodontic appliance.


After you have completed your orthodontic treatment and your teeth are properly aligned, our orthodontist will provide you with a retainer. Retainers are a type of custom-made oral appliance designed to help keep your teeth in their newly straightened positions so that they do not shift out of alignment. (For Example Hawley Retainers, Clear -Essix Retainers & Fixed Retainers)