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What are Retainers and Why Do You Need to Wear Them After Braces

People everywhere—from teenagers to adults—strive to flash a Hollywood-esque smile. This means bridging all the awkward gaps and fixing bite...

Does Your Toothpaste Need to Change If You Wear Traditional Braces?

It can already be overwhelming to shop for toothpaste even without braces, since there are so many different brands, styles,...

Are There Steps that Take Place before Traditional Braces Are Placed?

If you have decided to get braces, you may wonder what steps you may need to follow to prepare for...

What Age is Best for Teens to Start Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is the go-to dental restoration for parents looking to prevent tooth problems in their children that might taint their...

Candy to Always Avoid When You Have Traditional Braces

We all know that limiting our sugar intake is beneficial for our oral health. However, if you are diligent about...

What Types of Braces are Best for Overbites?

If you have an overbite, you might wonder what types of braces will work best for you. The following information...

What Types of Bites Aligner Trays are Best at Helping with Alignment?

Aligner trays are used to correct different malocclusions. Therefore, knowing more about aligners will help you make a more informed...

Is Any Food Off-Limits with Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces, or tooth colored braces, look like metal braces, except they blend in with the teeth. Therefore, they are...