What Are Forsus Springs and How Do They Affect Your Teeth?

Have you ever heard of Forsus springs? We agree that those words don't exactly roll off your tongue. You might...

Will You Need to Wear a Retainer the Rest of Your Life After Invisalign?

Invisalign is one of the most common orthodontic appliances in the US. It's quite popular because it performs the same...

Perks of Traditional Braces Over Aligners

From adolescents to older adults, and no matter if for cosmetic purposes or to prevent orthodontic problems in the future,...

Why Sticky Foods Are So Dangerous to Braces

There are many things you may crave while wearing braces, including certain kinds of sweets that are risky to chew....

Types of Candy to Avoid When Wearing Braces

At any given time, there are 4 million people in the United States wearing braces. That's a lot of people...

Foods That Can Lead to Broken Braces

Due to one reason or the other, you might have had some misaligned teeth. However, you made the brave decision...

Do Underbites Require Treatment?

Good dental health is of the utmost importance. Not only does it provide you with a great smile, it also...

The “Do Nots” of Wearing Invisalign

Today, there are a lot of options when it comes to straightening teeth. However, the most popular ones involve brackets...