Most Common Precursors to Braces

When it comes to straightening teeth, braces are quite effective. Although they take time to show a result, once it...

Understanding the Many Types of Braces

Traditionally, when you think of braces, you think of only metal and wires, and a silver, shiny smile. The reality...

Is a Crossbite Fixable with Braces

Our patients are extremely educated and knowledgeable about what is going on with their and their children and family's teeth....

Tips for Easier Flossing with Braces

After you get your braces put in, you will find that you may have to adapt the way you do...

Which Gives Better Results: Invisible Or Traditional Braces?

Many patients come to us asking for a straighter smile and we do everything we can to help them. With...

Dental Care is Vital When Going Through Braces

When you get braces, it's important to already be prepared for it to be more difficult to take good care...

Best Ways of Keeping Brackets Clean While You Have Braces

Getting braces is something that many people dread. In addition to the discomfort, the limitations on what you can eat...

Benefits of Having Straight Teeth Go Beyond Aesthetics

While it should go without saying that having a straight, bright smile will improve your physical appearance, what you may...